Follow Your Happiness


Yuhyun Jin

I am a photographer who captures moments of happiness everyone knows and wants but easily forgets and misses 
and started taking pictures because I like images that make me try to see the world beautifully.

I am currently a photography major at Utah University.
I am gaining a lot of experience by working on projects on various other topics.
L A N D S C A P E   /   E X P L O R E R 

Simple framing 
for the main target

New, Photography, Landscape
E V E N T   /   U N R A T E D

the best moments

Photography, Landscape, Art Direction
O R G A N I S M   /   F A S H I O N

Clear photos

 Art Direction, Photography, UI/UX
P O R T R A I T   /   F I L M I N G

Lens change 
according to the intended expression


 c o n t a c t 

Phone: (+1) 435-704-0544
Email: jinrion@gmail.com

Do you have any questions?

Welcome to the website of photographer Jin. Based on the information about your project, I proceed with the photography work. For large projects, I collaborate with reliable partners and studios. Please leave a project you would like to work on together.